Ryu-Hou Cup
Ryu-Hou Cup
We held the Ryu-Hou Cup for the first time in three years.
The Houou Cup (women) and Seiryu Cup (men) were held on a smaller scale, with no spectators, and were divided into morning and afternoon
sessions, in consideration of COVID-19.
Houou Cup
After the opening declaration, the representative demonstrations were performed: GOJUSHIHO, BO-JUTSU, and KUSHANKU.
The event started with powerful and gorgeous KATA performances.
The competition continued with KATA for elementary school girls,
junior high school girls, high school girls, and general women; KUMITE for high school and general women.
Houou Cup Winners List
First place | Second place | Third place | Fighting Spirit Award | |
Early Elementary School Students |
米田 愛咲 | 芝 夏海 | 梶原 愛里沙 | 田中 陽菜 |
Upper Elementary School Students |
山田 実穂 | 下中村 小春 | 瀧内 花乃子 | 廣田 蒼桜 |
Junior High School Students |
織田 真緒 | 王 悠里 | 神里 琉瑠 | 中島 椿琴 |
High School Students and Adult |
稲葉 醒旺 | 望月 茉莉亜 | 前田 千里 | 鈴木 理恵 |
First place | Second place | Third place | Fighting Spirit Award | |
High School Students and Adult |
橋本 佳奈 | 鈴木 理恵 | 稲葉 醒旺 | 神里 千賀子 |
Seiryu Cup
In the kata division for elementary school boys, competitors of 3rd KYU and above competed in SEISAN, the KATA of Tiger, in conjunction with this year's zodiac sign. In addition, four green-belt boys (6th KYU) recommended by the SOHONBU participated in the competition.
In all the matches, the competitors' abilities were well matched and excellent.
In the junior and senior high school boys' KUMITE, there were splendid and heated matches.
Demonstration : Gojushiho Okuhata (high-school student )
Seiryu Cup Winners List
First place | Second place | Third place | Fighting Spirit Award | |
Elementary School Students | 遠藤 統護 | 神里 琉貴 | 芝 優人 | 林 雅人 |
First place | Second place | Third place | Fighting Spirit Award | |
Junior High School Students |
アキュールドウズフルカン | 大島 伊織 | 野口 ビクトル | 髙木 瞭我 |
High School Students and Adult |
山田 修平 | 野口 アレックス | 立原 守 | 岡 恭輔 |