visited DOJOs in USA
SOKE NAKAZAKI visited DOJOs in Orlando, FL and Puerto Rico from June 28th to July 4th, 2018.
SOKE had productive meetings with SHIHANs on further developments of YUSHINMON overseas DOJOs.
SOKE pledged to continuously promote the true value of KARATE, and performed the KU-SHAN-KU in front of the photo of the late ISAMU TAMOTSU at the YUSHINMON Headquarters in Tokyo.
KU-SHAN-KU is the greatest Kata among the authentic SHORINJI SEIRYU-SHICHIHO.
SOKE sincerely accepts the profound honor of being the sole and exclusive direct heir of the late ISAMU TAMOTSU and the DOTO SHORINJI-RYU KARATE.
SOKE reveals a part of the KU-SHAN-KU performance, normally reserved for only the most qualified, highest ranking disciples.
We shall treasure and respect this rare opportunity and the tradition surrounding the entire "TAMOTSU KEMPO".

ISAMU TAMOTSU's autograph