Joint Mid-winter Training
Kangeiko 2021
The mid-winter training to celebrate the beginning of 2021 was held on January 10, with all possible prevention measures against infectious diseases taken.
The annual Yushinmon mid-winter practice is traditionally held in Shinjuku Central Park, but in this year, due to the declaration of the second stete of emergency just before the event, the venue was dispersed to two locations, the Sohonzan Dojo and the Tokyo Honbu Dojo (Sumida). Each branch separated practice times to minimize the number of people gathered at the dojo.
In order to maintain the significance of kangeiko even in the midst of difficulties, Soke decided to connect the venues via webcast as well as live broadcast, so that we could practice while keeping an eye on each other.
One student reported that he had watched the webcast of Soke Nakasaki's speech and practiced together at home while watching the video.
The students from each branch practiced basics and kata for a short time, then announced their New Year's rgoals to start the new year.
First Venue (Sohonzan Dojo)

Second Venue (Tokyo Honbu Dojo)