Joint Mid-winter Training
2023 Kangeiko
Sunday, Jan. 8, 2023
We held our annual New Year's mid-winter practice. We had planned to hold this year's mid-winter practice outdoors in Shinjuku, but unfortunately, due to the Corona disaster, it was held indoors.
The event started with a greeting from Soke, the guest of honor, and the chief director, and then continued energetically with a command by Shihans.
The guiding principle for a new beginning is "義".
It is the concept of "righteousness" in human behavior, thought, and morals, and the correct path to follow as a human being.
The practice began with basics with all members in attendance, followed by a variety of basics, KATAs, YAKUSOKU KUMITE, and SHIWARI demonstrations, with each branch having its own unique style. Then came the customary finale 1,000-bon TSUKI.
Soke himself stepped down from the stage and gave the order of 1,000-bon TSUKI in front of everybody. He looked at each participant's face and said that he foresaw a bright year ahead.
After the practice, warm soup and crackers were served to the participants, which gently soaked into their mid-winter bodies.
It was a successful mid-winter practice that could foretell a wonderful year ahead.


Take a break with hearty soup.